


  • 片名:死神假期
  • 状态:更新至1集
  • 主演:弗雷德里克·马奇/伊夫琳·维纳布尔/盖伊·斯坦丁/凯瑟琳·亚历山大/吉尔·帕特里克/凯瑟琳·霍华德/肯特·泰勒/亨利·崔佛斯/G·P·亨特利
  • 导演:米切尔·莱森
  • 年份:1934
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:爱情/奇幻
  • 时长:79分钟
  • 首映:1934-03-30(美国)
  • 语言:英语,法语
  • 更新:2024-04-27 05:17
  • 豆瓣:7.3
  • 总揽:Because I cannot stop for Death, he kindly stops for me; The carriage only carries us and immortality "- if Emily Dickinson dies and goes on holiday, the shooting in Iraq will be silent, the massacre on our national highway will stop, and the news media will be forced to report positive events in the fields of humanities, art and science. Unfortunately, in recorded history, death did not take a vacation, but Mitchell Layson's 1934 fantasy work "Death Vacation" made us consider this possibility. Co written by Maxwell Anderson and Gladys Lehman, And according to the script "; La Morte in Vacanza; Death Take a Holiday by Alberto Casella, starring Fredric March, plays a cold reaper who appears in human form, trying to find out why men are so afraid of him. Why he waited 5000 years to satisfy this curiosity has not been explained clearly. After a brief audition, Death disguised himself as the mysterious Prince Sirki and appeared at a high-end party in an Italian villa. Only one person knows who he is, host Duke Lambert (played by Guy Standing), who vows to keep it a secret. Sirki continues to captivate the guests. With the explosion of wisdom and poetry, he will quickly become unhappy and full of threats. Some people will soon discover that it is best not to look too deeply into his eyes. However, during the three days when the prince moved into the villa, people from all over the world miraculously escaped death, and the potential suicide was destined to be disheartening. In order to see what lies behind all the conversations about love, the gentle but innocent Prince Sirki falls in love with the irresistible Grazia (played by Evelyn Venable), the daughter of a friend of the Duke. Grazia knows who the death is, but she is not afraid of him, which makes her fiance Corrado (Kent Taylor) very upset. She has a strong contempt for prince charming. In the remake of Meet Joe Black in 1998, March was more insidious than Brad Pitt. He played a creepy but strangely attractive guest, which was very convincing. Although the ending is exaggerated, the emotions are very real. In reality, death may be a friend disguised as an enemy, which is a very touching suggestion. In this tiresome and predictable storyline, "Death" falls in love, making us feel bored when we talk about it; The most eerie love story in history" But deep down, I never thought you could honestly call this movie a love story. The tag line is more suitable for this because it ultimately boils down to a love story. This movie is really great, especially if you consider that it is built around a concept that can be easily handled in a cute or effortless way. On the contrary, it was dealt with as seriously as possible, with some genuine reflection on how death attempted to accept a life and perspective that he was completely unfamiliar with at the time; Much of the credit goes to Fredric March's leading role. It can be scary when needed, especially in the first twenty minutes. Since then, it has dealt with the theme in subtle ways, a quiet wisdom, a persistent sadness, and an eternal tension about how it would react if death were to be overcome. It is not perfect; Some dialogues are self-awareness and affectation, as if the author knows they are dealing with major issues and attempting to be profound. But of course I'm glad they didn't try to turn it into some kind of musical comedy. (Dave Sindell, scifilm. org) Also seen in remake: 'Death Needs a Holiday' (1971)
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 网友收藏Fredric March电影简评看过的话剧改编的电影那些原版+翻拍(三)Fredric March Collection2019年黑片个人十二佳Fredric March出演全部院线电影
Because I cannot stop for Death, he kindly stops for me; The carriage only carries us and immortality "- if Emily Dickinson dies and goes on holiday, the shooting in Iraq will be silent, the massacre on our national highway will stop, and the news media will be forced to report positive events in the fields of humanities, art and science. Unfortunately, in recorded history, death did not take a vacation, but Mitchell Layson's 1934 fantasy work "Death Vacation" made us consider this possibility. Co written by Maxwell Anderson and Gladys Lehman, And according to the script "; La Morte in Vacanza; Death Take a Holiday by Alberto Casella, starring Fredric March, plays a cold reaper who appears in human form, trying to find out why men are so afraid of him. Why he waited 5000 years to satisfy this curiosity has not been explained clearly. After a brief audition, Death disguised himself as the mysterious Prince Sirki and appeared at a high-end party in an Italian villa. Only one person knows who he is, host Duke Lambert (played by Guy Standing), who vows to keep it a secret. Sirki continues to captivate the guests. With the explosion of wisdom and poetry, he will quickly become unhappy and full of threats. Some people will soon discover that it is best not to look too deeply into his eyes. However, during the three days when the prince moved into the villa, people from all over the world miraculously escaped death, and the potential suicide was destined to be disheartening. In order to see what lies behind all the conversations about love, the gentle but innocent Prince Sirki falls in love with the irresistible Grazia (played by Evelyn Venable), the daughter of a friend of the Duke. Grazia knows who the death is, but she is not afraid of him, which makes her fiance Corrado (Kent Taylor) very upset. She has a strong contempt for prince charming. In the remake of Meet Joe Black in 1998, March was more insidious than Brad Pitt. He played a creepy but strangely attractive guest, which was very convincing. Although the ending is exaggerated, the emotions are very real. In reality, death may be a friend disguised as an enemy, which is a very touching suggestion. In this tiresome and predictable storyline, "Death" falls in love, making us feel bored when we talk about it; The most eerie love story in history" But deep down, I never thought you could honestly call this movie a love story. The tag line is more suitable for this because it ultimately boils down to a love story. This movie is really great, especially if you consider that it is built around a concept that can be easily handled in a cute or effortless way. On the contrary, it was dealt with as seriously as possible, with some genuine reflection on how death attempted to accept a life and perspective that he was completely unfamiliar with at the time; Much of the credit goes to Fredric March's leading role. It can be scary when needed, especially in the first twenty minutes. Since then, it has dealt with the theme in subtle ways, a quiet wisdom, a persistent sadness, and an eternal tension about how it would react if death were to be overcome. It is not perfect; Some dialogues are self-awareness and affectation, as if the author knows they are dealing with major issues and attempting to be profound. But of course I'm glad they didn't try to turn it into some kind of musical comedy. (Dave Sindell, scifilm. org) Also seen in remake: 'Death Needs a Holiday' (1971)


  • 雨季来临
    爱情 / 美国 / 玛娜·洛伊,泰隆·鲍华,乔治·布伦特,布兰达·乔伊丝
  • 柔肠寸断
    6.9爱情 / 美国 / 珍妮弗·琼斯,约瑟夫·科顿,塞西尔·凯拉威 Cecil Kellaway
  • 良宵苦短
    7.3爱情 / 美国 / 查尔斯·博耶,奥利维娅·德哈维兰,宝莲·高黛,维克托·弗兰森
  • 偷恋
    7.1爱情 / 美国 / 埃琳诺·帕克,比尔·特拉弗斯,乔治·桑德斯,让-皮埃尔·奥蒙特,弗朗索瓦丝·罗赛,埃伦·科比
  • 春闺四凤
    6.8爱情 / 美国 / 克劳德·雷恩斯,杰弗瑞·林恩,约翰·加菲尔德,弗兰克·麦休


  • 相见时难别亦难
    7.8爱情 / 美国 / 杰克·莱蒙,丽·莱米克,查尔斯·比克福德,杰克·克卢格曼
  • 一夜大肚
    6.5爱情 / 美国 / 凯瑟琳·海格尔,塞斯·罗根,保罗·路德,乔纳·希尔,莱斯利·曼恩,克里斯汀·韦格
  • 爆炸
    6.0爱情 / 美国 / 凯瑟琳·兰福德,查理·普拉默,依冯娜·奥吉,海莉·洛,派珀·佩拉博,罗布·许贝尔,Chris Shields,Marlowe Percival,Laine MacNeil
  • 巴塞罗那
    7.0喜剧 / 美国 / 泰勒·尼科斯,克里斯·埃吉曼
  • 青春珊瑚岛
    7.8爱情 / 美国 / 波姬·小丝,克里斯托弗斯·阿特金斯,莱奥·麦凯恩
  • 假戏真做
    7.5爱情 / 美国 / 珍·哈露,威廉·鲍威尔,玛娜·洛伊,斯宾塞·屈塞
  • 尽善尽美
    8.2喜剧 / 美国 / 杰克·尼科尔森,海伦·亨特,格雷戈·金尼尔,小库珀·古丁,斯基特·乌尔里奇,雪莉·奈特,雅德丽·史密斯,露贝·安缇维洛,Bibi Osterwald
  • 绝代艳后
    7.6爱情 / 美国 / Norma Shearer,Tyrone Power,John Barrymore,Robert Morley,Anita Louise,Joseph Schildkraut
  • 五十度飞
    5.9爱情 / 美国 / 达科塔·约翰逊,詹米·多南,阿莉尔·凯贝尔,埃里克·约翰逊,瑞塔·奥拉,卢克·葛莱姆斯,布兰特·道格尔迪,泰勒·霍奇林,马克斯·马蒂尼
  • 一样的月光
    喜剧 / 美国 / Sara Ball,Meg Cashel,Anderson Davis